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IIE Distance education

The Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education is offered as a part time distance programme with specific modules offered in each of three semesters, supported by face to face interaction in workshops. Students who want to enrol for this qualification must have completed a NQF level 7 degree or equivalent.

Enquiries related to the programme:

Available at The IIE

Two self-paced open online courses available:

 Work Readiness Programme

This self-paced MOOC has been developed for graduates and final year students as preparation before entering the world of work.  Each of the nine learning units focuses on a skill needed, in a fun, engaging and interactive manner.  After completing each learning unit there is a small test, where you can earn a badge and digitally publish it to your Mozilla Backpack.            

 Web and Digital Literacies

The Web is an environment where all people, anywhere in the world, have the potential to participate equally.  It is a democratic platform that can allow humans to flourish on a scale never before seen. However, to make the most of this opportunity, we need a broad set of skills and competencies to read, write and participate on the Web effectively – these skills and competencies are referred to as Web and digital literacies. 


** IIE Distance qualification, full-time and part-time tuition support available

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